Sharmistha S. Gupta

IIIT Delhi, India

Hi, there!

Projects Worked On :

  • Predicting the Steering Angle of a Car (Oct'17 - Nov'17)
    Built the prototype of a self driving car. Used an end-to-end learning model which could predict its steering angle in the area where it was trained, using convolutional neural networks and regression. Find project repository here.

  • Digimeter : A Digital Measuring Device (Jan'17 - Apr'17)
    Built a portable hardware and an integrated Android app to establish the geometric measurements of any given object having a regular shape or structure. Find project repository here.

  • Obstacle Sensing Robot (Nov'16)
    Built a robot that changes its path when it comes in the vicinity of an obstacle (5-10 cm). Find project repository here.

  • Growth Monitor for a Specific Plant (Oct'16)
    Built a microcontroller circuit using temperature/humidity, gas and light sensors and integrated it with an LED matrix to indicate whether the above factors are suitable for the growth of the plant. Find project repository here.